Dr. Who Coloring Pages


Are you a fan of the iconic television series, Doctor Who? If so, get ready to unleash your creativity with our collection of Dr. Who coloring pages! From the Tardis to the Doctor’s companions, these intricate illustrations will transport you to the Doctor’s world, where countless adventures await. Whether you’re a seasoned Whovian or a newcomer to the series, these coloring pages are the perfect way to express your love for the Doctor and his incredible journey through time and space. So grab your colored pencils and prepare to bring the Doctor’s universe to life with our captivating Dr. Who coloring pages.

Dr. Who Coloring Pages

Overview of Dr. Who Coloring Pages

What are Dr. Who coloring pages?

Dr. Who coloring pages are a collection of printable coloring sheets inspired by the popular British television series, Doctor Who. These coloring pages feature various characters, scenes, and elements from the show, allowing children to express their creativity and immerse themselves in the fantastical world of the Doctor.

Importance of coloring pages for children

Coloring pages play a vital role in a child’s development. They not only provide entertainment but also offer numerous benefits to their cognitive and motor skills. When children engage in the process of coloring, they enhance their hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, concentration, and focus. Coloring also stimulates their imagination and creativity, as they get to choose their color combinations and bring characters and scenes to life.

Popularity of Dr. Who coloring pages

The popularity of Doctor Who, with its thrilling storylines and beloved characters, has made Dr. Who coloring pages highly sought after by children and fans of the show alike. The opportunity to color their favorite Doctor, companions, villains, and iconic TARDIS not only offers a chance to engage with the series on a different level but also provides a means for fans to express their love for Doctor Who in a creative way.

Character Coloring Pages

Doctor Who

The central character of the Doctor Who series is, of course, the Doctor. With his charismatic personality and ever-changing appearance, the Doctor makes for an exciting coloring subject. Children can color the Doctor’s eccentric clothing, choose their favorite incarnation, and even add their creative touch to his iconic accessories like the sonic screwdriver. These coloring pages allow children to portray the Doctor just as they envision him.


The Doctor’s companions are an integral part of the series, and coloring pages featuring them offer children the chance to explore the different personalities and styles of these beloved characters. From Rose Tyler to Clara Oswald, children can color their favorite companions and create their own versions of these strong and resourceful individuals who support and assist the Doctor on his adventures.


Doctor Who wouldn’t be complete without its iconic villains, and coloring pages featuring these adversaries provide children with an exciting way to engage with these characters. From the menacing Daleks to the eerie Weeping Angels, children can use their imagination to color these villains, making them as daunting or as whimsical as they desire. It’s an opportunity to delve into the darker side of Doctor Who while expressing their creativity.

TARDIS Coloring Pages

Introduction to TARDIS

The TARDIS, which stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space, is the Doctor’s transport vehicle and a symbol of the show. TARDIS coloring pages allow children to explore this iconic time machine and let their creativity run wild. They can color its familiar blue police box exterior, imagine the interior with its many rooms and console, and even add their own flare to its design.

Exploring TARDIS coloring pages

TARDIS coloring pages offer a unique chance for children to dive into the whimsical and imaginative world of Doctor Who. They can bring their own visions of the TARDIS to life, experiment with different color schemes, and envision their own adventures inside this incredible time-traveling machine. The possibilities are endless, just like the Doctor’s journeys.

Design variations of TARDIS

While the classic blue police box is the most recognizable design of the TARDIS, Doctor Who has explored different design variations over the years. Children can find coloring pages featuring TARDISes from alternate universes, different time periods, or even those disguised as different objects. These variations provide a delightful canvas for children to unleash their creativity and invent their own unique TARDIS designs.

Alien Races Coloring Pages


One of the most iconic and feared aliens in the Doctor Who universe, the Daleks, make for an exciting coloring experience. Children can color these mechanical beings, known for their distinctive appearance and robotic voices, with their bright and metallic hues. Whether staying true to the classic color scheme or exploring their own creative take, coloring Daleks allows children to engage with the thrilling Doctor Who lore.


Another formidable alien race in the Doctor Who series, the Cybermen, are known for their cold and emotionless nature. Coloring Cybermen pages provides children with the chance to bring these silver giants to life, experimenting with shades of gray and metallic colors. They can add their unique touch to the Cybermen’s iconic design, making these villains even more menacing or giving them a playful twist.

Weeping Angels

Weeping Angels, with their eerie stone statuesque forms, are one of the most chilling villains encountered by the Doctor. Coloring these creatures offers children the opportunity to explore their creepy yet captivating appearance. Whether opting for a realistic stone texture or infusing the Weeping Angels with unexpected colors, children can let their imaginations run wild while channeling the ominous energy of these formidable adversaries.


The Silence, a race of aliens with the power to make people forget them as soon as they look away, raises goosebumps amongst Doctor Who fans. Coloring pages featuring the Silence allow children to express their creativity while depicting these enigmatic beings. The ability to play with shadows, contrasting colors, and mysterious hues adds to the excitement of coloring these uniquely intimidating creatures.


Known for their militaristic nature, the Sontarans are a race of clone warriors with potato-shaped heads. Coloring pages featuring the Sontarans invite children to explore their imagination and experiment with various shades, shapes, and textures. By coloring these fierce yet amusing characters, children can exercise their creativity while having fun with their unconventional appearance.

Dr. Who Coloring Pages

Quotes and Catchphrases Coloring Pages

Famous quotes from Dr. Who

Doctor Who is renowned for its memorable and thought-provoking lines that have resonated with fans for years. Coloring pages featuring famous quotes from the series allow children to get inspired by the wisdom and wit found within Doctor Who. Whether it’s “We’re all stories, in the end” or “Bowties are cool,” children can illustrate these quotes and infuse them with their own personal touch.

Unique catchphrases

In addition to notable quotes, Doctor Who is known for its unique catchphrases that fans have come to love. Coloring pages featuring these catchphrases provide an opportunity for children to showcase their fandom while embracing the whimsical nature of the show. From “Allons-y” to “Exterminate,” coloring these pages allows children to explore their creativity while celebrating the linguistic flair of Doctor Who.

Coloring pages featuring quotes and catchphrases

Combining both quotes and catchphrases, coloring pages featuring these memorable lines offer a canvas for children to express their love for Doctor Who’s iconic dialogue. Whether they choose to highlight comedic lines or poignant moments from the series, these coloring pages provide a platform to immerse themselves in the world of Doctor Who while showcasing their artistic abilities.

Dr. Who Logo Coloring Pages

The iconic logo of Dr. Who

The Doctor Who logo is instantly recognizable with its distinct lettering and time vortex design. Coloring pages featuring the Doctor Who logo allow children to experiment with different color combinations and showcase their personal style. By bringing color to the logo, children can infuse it with energy and vibrancy, reflecting the excitement and adventure that the show embodies.

Different versions and designs

Over the years, Doctor Who has introduced variations of its logo, each reflecting the unique era it represents. Coloring pages featuring different logo designs offer children the chance to explore the show’s evolution while exercising their artistic skills. Whether coloring the classic logo or experimenting with modern versions, children can showcase their appreciation for the different eras of Doctor Who.

Creative coloring options

With the Doctor Who logo coloring pages, children can go beyond traditional color schemes and unleash their creativity. They can experiment with unconventional color choices, create their patterns, or even incorporate special effects to make the logo truly stand out. These pages encourage children to think outside the box and embrace their individuality while celebrating the Doctor Who brand.

Dr. Who Coloring Pages

Locations Coloring Pages


Gallifrey, the Doctor’s home planet, is a fascinating location filled with rich history and mythology. Coloring pages featuring Gallifrey allow children to envision this mysterious and mythical world using their imagination and artistic skills. They can depict the vast landscapes, the unique architecture, and the otherworldly vibes of Gallifrey, capturing the essence of this significant location within the Doctor Who universe.


While the Doctor travels through time and space, Earth often serves as the starting point of many adventures. Coloring pages featuring Earth provide children with a sense of familiarity and allow them to recreate scenes from the show set in various time periods and locations on our planet. They can choose to color historical events, famous landmarks, or even depict the Doctor’s interactions with humans, showcasing their connection to our world.

Other planets and dimensions

Doctor Who’s imaginative storytelling takes audiences to countless other planets and dimensions, each with its distinct characteristics and atmospheres. Coloring pages featuring these extraterrestrial locations ignite children’s creativity as they bring these unique worlds to life. Whether depicting a jungle planet, a futuristic city, or a parallel universe, children can experiment with colors and designs to capture the essence and ambiance of these extraordinary settings.

Regeneration Coloring Pages

Transformation of the Doctor

Regeneration is a key aspect of Doctor Who, allowing the Doctor to change appearance and personality while keeping the essence of the character intact. Coloring pages featuring the Doctor’s transformations through regeneration invite children to explore this fascinating concept. They can color each incarnation, paying attention to the distinct characteristics and wardrobe choices of each Doctor, and even add their own touch to these beloved characters.

Different incarnations to color

Doctor Who’s long history has introduced numerous Doctors, each with their unique personality and style. Coloring pages featuring different incarnations of the Doctor offer children the opportunity to engage with the show’s vast timeline. Whether coloring the classic Doctor portrayed by the likes of William Hartnell or embracing the modern interpretations, children can celebrate the diverse range of the Doctor’s regenerations with their artistic flair.

Regeneration scenes

Regeneration scenes are some of the most iconic and emotional moments in the Doctor Who series. Coloring pages depicting these pivotal moments allow children to capture the intensity and magic of regeneration. They can use a variety of colors to represent the explosive energy that accompanies the Doctor’s transformation, creating a visually striking image that reflects the excitement and anticipation associated with regenerations.

Companion Coloring Pages

Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler, one of the Doctor’s most beloved companions, played a significant role in the revival of Doctor Who. Coloring pages featuring Rose permit children to explore her adventurous spirit and charming personality through their artistic abilities. They can color her iconic outfits, her infectious smile, and even recreate some of the most memorable moments she shared with the Doctor, all while embracing their love for this fan-favorite character.

Donna Noble

Donna Noble’s larger-than-life persona and quick wit endeared her to Doctor Who fans. Coloring pages featuring Donna allow children to celebrate this unforgettable companion and showcase their creativity. They can give life to Donna’s expressive face, capture her sense of humor through their color choices, and depict her loyal and fierce nature through their artistic interpretation.

Amy Pond

Amy Pond, known for her feisty and adventurous nature, left a lasting impact on the Doctor Who series. Coloring pages featuring Amy invite children to delve into her captivating story and admire her distinct fashion sense. They can color her fiery red hair, experiment with vibrant outfits, and recreate the bond she shared with the Doctor, demonstrating their appreciation for this dynamic and memorable companion.

Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald’s complex storyline and deep connection with the Doctor sparked intrigue among Doctor Who fans. Coloring pages featuring Clara provide children with an opportunity to explore her multi-dimensional character. They can bring her charisma and mystery to life through their coloring choices, capture her distinctive style, and depict the enigmatic qualities that made Clara such a compelling companion.

Bill Potts

Bill Potts, a more recent addition to the Doctor Who universe, brought a fresh and relatable energy to the series. Coloring pages featuring Bill allow children to embrace this modern companion and showcase their creativity. They can color her vibrant personality, bring out her unique fashion sense, and celebrate her role as an inspiring and empowering character within the Doctor Who universe.


Final thoughts on Dr. Who coloring pages

Dr. Who coloring pages provide a captivating and interactive way for children to engage with the popular television series and channel their creativity. By coloring their favorite characters, scenes, and elements from the show, children can immerse themselves in the fantastical world of Doctor Who while enhancing their cognitive and motor skills.

Benefits of coloring activities for children

Coloring activities offer numerous benefits for children’s development. From improving hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills to fostering concentration and focus, coloring pages engage children’s minds and encourage creativity. The process of coloring also allows children to express their individuality and imagination, enabling them to explore limitless possibilities.

Exploring the limitless creativity

Doctor Who has captured the hearts of viewers for generations, and Dr. Who coloring pages are a reflection of the show’s enduring popularity. These coloring pages provide an avenue for children to express their love for the series while also allowing them to explore their own limitless creativity. The combination of engaging with beloved characters, iconic symbols, and imaginative worlds makes for an exciting and enriching coloring experience. So grab your favorite colors and let your creativity soar as you journey through time and space with Dr. Who coloring pages!
