Guthrie County Extension Celebrates National 4-H Week with Exciting Events


Get ready for a week of excitement as Guthrie County Extension celebrates National 4-H Week with a variety of engaging events. From Masterpiece Monday, where 4-H and Clover Kids members can showcase their coloring skills, to Trivia Tuesday with prizes for those who answer questions correctly, there’s something for everyone. On Wear it Wednesday, embrace your 4-H pride by sporting their fabulous apparel, and on Throwback Thursday, reminisce and share your favorite memories from your past 4-H days. Finally, wrap up the week with Fair Friday, where members can reminisce about their beloved fair experiences. It’s a countrywide celebration, and Guthrie County is ready to show off all the amazing things that 4-H has to offer.

Masterpiece Monday

Welcome to Masterpiece Monday! Today kicks off National 4-H Week, a countrywide event celebrating all that 4-H has to offer. As part of the festivities, 4-H and Clover Kids members are invited to participate in Masterpiece Monday by turning in their colored coloring pages. To obtain the coloring pages, you can visit Hometown Foods or the Mary J Barnett Memorial Library. Get your creative juices flowing and show off your artistic skills!

Trivia Tuesday

Get ready for some brain teasers because it’s Trivia Tuesday! Throughout the day, 4-H members have the opportunity to answer trivia questions and win exciting prizes. Test your knowledge on a wide range of topics and see how many questions you can answer correctly. This is a great chance to learn something new and have fun while doing it. Don’t miss out on this exciting day of trivia!

Guthrie County Extension Celebrates National 4-H Week with Exciting Events

Wear it Wednesday

It’s time to show off your 4-H pride on Wear it Wednesday! Embrace the current fashion trend of 4-H apparel and wear your favorite 4-H-themed clothing. Whether it’s a t-shirt, hat, or jacket, proudly display your love for 4-H. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your dedication and passion for the organization. Join your fellow 4-H members and make a fashion statement that highlights the impact of 4-H in your life.

Throwback Thursday

Get ready for Throwback Thursday, a day to reminisce and share nostalgic memories from your past 4-H days. Dig up those old photo albums and find pictures of yourself participating in 4-H activities. Whether it’s a picture from a livestock show, a craft project, or a community service event, we want to see it all. Share your photos with the 4-H community and take a trip down memory lane. It’s a perfect opportunity to reconnect with old friends and relive cherished moments.

Guthrie County Extension Celebrates National 4-H Week with Exciting Events

Fair Friday

As the week comes to a close, it’s time to celebrate Fair Friday. Share your favorite fair memories and let the 4-H community know what makes the fair such a special event for you. Did you win a blue ribbon for your livestock project? Or maybe you have fond memories of the carnival rides and delicious fair food. Whatever it may be, share your experiences and spread the joy of the fair. Let’s come together and celebrate the unique spirit of the fair!

Coloring Pages at Hometown Foods and Mary J Barnett Memorial Library

Don’t forget to pick up your coloring pages for Masterpiece Monday at Hometown Foods or the Mary J Barnett Memorial Library. These coloring pages are a great way to showcase your creativity and contribute to the festivities of National 4-H Week. So head on over to your nearest location and grab your coloring pages today!

Guthrie County Extension Celebrates National 4-H Week with Exciting Events

Trivia Questions Throughout the Day

Throughout the day on Trivia Tuesday, you’ll have the chance to answer trivia questions and win exciting prizes. Keep an eye out for the trivia questions and test your knowledge in various subject areas. Whether it’s history, science, or pop culture, there’s a question for everyone. Get ready to challenge yourself and see how many correct answers you can rack up. Don’t miss your chance to participate in this fun and educational activity!

4-H Apparel as the Current Fashion

On Wear it Wednesday, embrace the current fashion trend of 4-H apparel. Show off your 4-H pride by wearing your favorite 4-H-themed clothing. Whether it’s a shirt, hat, or even accessories, let everyone know that you are proud to be a part of 4-H. By showcasing your dedication through fashion, you are not only expressing your individuality but also spreading awareness about the positive impact of 4-H. So put on your best 4-H outfit and make a fashion statement!

Share Pictures from Past 4-H Days

Throwback Thursday is the perfect opportunity to share pictures from your past 4-H days. Take a trip down memory lane and find those nostalgic photos that capture the essence of your 4-H experience. Whether it’s showing off your prize-winning animal at a livestock show, participating in a group project, or showcasing your talents in a performance, we want to see it all. By sharing your pictures, you can reconnect with old friends, reminisce about your accomplishments, and inspire future generations of 4-H members.

Share Favorite Fair Memories

On Fair Friday, it’s time to share your favorite fair memories. The fair holds a special place in the hearts of many 4-H members, and this is your opportunity to celebrate the magic of the fair. Did you have a unforgettable moment at the Ferris wheel? Maybe you bonded with your fellow 4-H members during a late-night campfire. Whatever it may be, share your favorite fair memories and let the 4-H community relive those cherished moments with you. The fair is a time for fun, excitement, and creating lasting memories, so join in and spread the joy!

National 4-H Week is a time to come together and celebrate the incredible achievements and experiences that 4-H provides. From coloring pages to trivia questions, wearing 4-H apparel, sharing pictures, and reminiscing about fair memories, this week is filled with exciting activities for all 4-H members. So get involved, show your spirit, and make this National 4-H Week one to remember!
