Bestselling author Colleen Hoover apologizes for planned coloring book based on domestic violence novel


Bestselling author Colleen Hoover has issued an apology for a planned coloring book based on her novel about domestic violence, “It Ends with Us.” Following criticism from readers, Hoover announced that the project would be canceled. She acknowledged that the coloring book idea was “tone-deaf” and expressed gratitude for the respectful discourse and accountability from her supporters. “It Ends with Us” tells the story of Lily Bloom, a young woman who escapes an abusive relationship and reflects on her upbringing in an abusive home. Despite its initial release in 2016, the novel gained popularity on TikTok and has remained on the New York Times Best Sellers List for 82 weeks. Hoover, the current bestselling novelist in the United States, sold 14.3 million print books in 2022, surpassing renowned authors such as James Patterson and Stephen King combined.

Table of Contents

Bestselling author Colleen Hoover apologizes for planned coloring book based on domestic violence novel

Background on Colleen Hoover’s novel ‘It Ends with Us’

Colleen Hoover’s novel ‘It Ends with Us’ is a powerful and emotional story that delves into the complexities of domestic violence. The book follows the journey of a young woman named Lily Bloom, who recounts her childhood experiences in an abusive home and her subsequent escape from an abusive relationship. Released in 2016, the novel has resonated with readers worldwide and has received critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of such a sensitive topic.

Hoover’s apology and cancellation of the coloring book

In a move that showcases her commitment to her readers and the importance of handling sensitive subjects with care, Colleen Hoover issued a public apology for her planned 색칠하기 책 based on ‘It Ends with Us. The coloring book, which was intended to complement the novel, faced significant criticism for its potentially insensitive nature. In her statement, Hoover acknowledged the validity of the concerns raised by her audience and expressed her agreement with them. She emphasized that she took the feedback to heart and recognized the book’s potential to be perceived as “tone-deaf.”

Reactions from readers and Goodreads users

The news of the planned coloring book sparked widespread discussion among readers and fans of Colleen Hoover’s work. Many individuals expressed their disapproval and concerns, highlighting the importance of not trivializing the serious topic of domestic violence. On Goodreads, where users can rate and comment on books, the planned coloring book received an average rating of one star. Users used this platform to voice their opinions and call attention to the inappropriate nature of the coloring book. Comments ranged from disappointment to outright disapproval, with readers expressing their belief that a coloring book based on a story about domestic violence was not appropriate.

Confirmation from Atria Books on the cancellation

Following the backlash and the initiation of discussions surrounding the appropriateness of the coloring book, Atria Books, Hoover’s publisher, confirmed the cancellation of the project. In a statement released by Atria Books, they expressed appreciation for the feedback and discourse surrounding the coloring book. They emphasized that the intention behind the book was to uplift and empower readers, mirroring the story of Lily Bloom. However, in light of the feedback and respect for Colleen Hoover’s fans, Atria Books made the decision to not move forward with the publication of the coloring book.

Colleen Hoover’s success as a bestselling novelist

Despite the controversy surrounding the planned coloring book, Colleen Hoover has established herself as one of the most successful authors in the United States. In 2022, she held the title of the bestselling novelist in the country. Her ability to captivate readers and connect with them on an emotional level has resulted in six of her books ranking in the top 10 bestselling individual books of the year. Colleen Hoover’s accomplishments demonstrate her talent as a storyteller and her ability to resonate with a wide audience.

Popularity of ‘It Ends with Us’ on TikTok and New York Times Best Sellers List

Over the past two years, ‘It Ends with Us’ experienced a surge in popularity on TikTok, a social media platform known for its ability to spark trends and highlight compelling content. This newfound attention brought the novel back into the spotlight and introduced it to a broader audience. ‘It Ends with Us’ has also enjoyed phenomenal success on the New York Times Best Sellers List, maintaining a presence on the list for an impressive 82 weeks as of January 13, 2023. The enduring popularity of the book speaks to its impact and the resonance it holds with readers.

Background on Colleen Hoover’s novel ‘It Ends with Us’

Summary of ‘It Ends with Us’

‘It Ends with Us’ follows the story of Lily Bloom, a young woman who recounts her experiences growing up in an abusive household and later, her own journey through an abusive relationship. The novel explores the complexities of domestic violence, as well as the difficult decisions Lily must make to protect herself and break the cycle of abuse. With its raw and honest portrayal of an important and often stigmatized issue, ‘It Ends with Us’ has touched the hearts of readers around the world.

Inspiration from Hoover’s parents’ relationship

Colleen Hoover drew inspiration for ‘It Ends with Us’ from her own childhood experiences and her parents’ tumultuous relationship. Growing up, Hoover witnessed the dynamics of an abusive household, which undoubtedly left a lasting impact on her. By weaving elements of her personal life into the narrative, Hoover brings authenticity and emotional depth to the story, allowing readers to empathize with Lily’s experiences and understand the complexity of the issue at hand.

Release and success of the novel

When ‘It Ends with Us’ was first published in 2016, it immediately garnered attention for its bold and unflinching portrayal of domestic violence. The novel received critical acclaim, with praise directed towards Hoover’s ability to tackle a sensitive topic with sensitivity and nuance. Word of mouth and glowing reviews propelled the book’s success, establishing ‘It Ends with Us’ as a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction. Its impact extended far beyond its initial release, making a lasting impression on readers around the world.

Bestselling author Colleen Hoover apologizes for planned coloring book based on domestic violence novel

Hoover’s apology and cancellation of the coloring book

Hoover’s statement on Instagram

Colleen Hoover took to Instagram to address the concerns raised by readers regarding the planned coloring book based on ‘It Ends with Us’. In her statement, Hoover acknowledged the validity of the criticism and expressed her agreement with the readers’ perspective. She admitted that the idea of a coloring book derived from a story about domestic violence was tone-deaf and recognized the potential harm it could cause. Hoover emphasized her commitment to her readers and acknowledged her mistake, stating that she had contacted the publisher to express her preference for the project’s cancellation.

Acknowledgment of the criticism

In her statement, Colleen Hoover demonstrated her willingness to listen to her audience and acknowledge their concerns. By acknowledging the criticism, Hoover demonstrated her understanding of the potential harm the coloring book could have caused and expressed remorse for her oversight. This act of taking responsibility for her actions and responding to the concerns raised by readers reflects Hoover’s commitment to open dialogue and genuine connection with her audience.

Contacting the publisher to cancel the project

As a result of the feedback received from readers, Colleen Hoover took decisive action by contacting the publisher to cancel the planned coloring book. Her decision to halt the project demonstrates her commitment to putting the well-being and sensitivity of her readers first. By canceling the coloring book, Hoover sends a clear message that she values the concerns and opinions of her audience and is committed to ensuring that her work is handled with the utmost care and respect.

Reactions from readers and Goodreads users

Average rating and comments on the planned coloring book

After news of the planned coloring book based on ‘It Ends with Us’ emerged, readers and fans of Colleen Hoover’s work flocked to platforms like Goodreads to share their thoughts and concerns. On Goodreads, where users have the ability to rate and comment on books, the planned coloring book received an average rating of one star. This low rating signifies the widespread dissatisfaction and disapproval among readers. Many users took the opportunity to voice their disappointment and opposition to the coloring book, firmly expressing their belief that such a project was inappropriate given the serious subject matter of domestic violence.

Disapproval and concerns expressed by readers

The feedback from readers regarding the planned coloring book overwhelmingly indicated a sense of disapproval and concern. Readers expressed their belief that a coloring book based on a story about domestic violence trivialized the seriousness of the issue and could potentially be harmful. Many comments exhibited disappointment, with individuals expressing their disbelief that such a project was ever considered. The reaction from readers serves as a testament to the importance of treating sensitive subjects with the respect and seriousness they deserve.

Impact of reader feedback on Hoover’s decision

The response from readers played a significant role in influencing Colleen Hoover’s decision to cancel the coloring book. The collective disapproval and concerns expressed by her audience prompted Hoover to reflect on the appropriateness of the coloring book and its potential impact. By listening to her readers and taking their concerns to heart, Hoover demonstrated her commitment to responsible storytelling and the well-being of her audience. The impact of reader feedback highlights the powerful relationship between authors and their readers and the influence readers can have on shaping an author’s decisions.

Bestselling author Colleen Hoover apologizes for planned coloring book based on domestic violence novel

Confirmation from Atria Books on the cancellation

Statement from Atria Books

Following the public outcry and the concerns raised by readers, Atria Books, the publisher of ‘It Ends with Us’, released a statement confirming the cancellation of the coloring book. The statement expressed gratitude for the feedback and discourse surrounding the coloring book, emphasizing their appreciation for the passion and loyalty of Colleen Hoover’s fans. Atria Books acknowledged that the intention behind the coloring book was to uplift and empower readers, mirroring the story of Lily Bloom. However, in light of the concerns raised, they made the decision to respect the feedback and cancel the publication of the coloring book.

Original intentions behind the coloring book

The creators of the coloring book aimed to develop a project that would complement the inspiring and empowering message of ‘It Ends with Us’. The intention was to provide readers with an interactive and creative outlet to engage with the story and its themes. However, the reception from readers highlighted the potential insensitivity of the coloring book, specifically when dealing with such a sensitive topic as domestic violence. The controversy surrounding the coloring book led the creators to reconsider its appropriateness and ultimately make the decision to cancel it.

Respect for Colleen Hoover’s fans and their feedback

Atria Books demonstrated immense respect for Colleen Hoover’s fans and their feedback in their statement on the cancellation of the coloring book. By recognizing and appreciating the passion and love readers have for Hoover’s work, Atria Books displayed their commitment to fostering a positive and respectful relationship with the author’s audience. The cancellation of the coloring book serves as a testament to Atria Books’ dedication to maintaining the integrity of the content they publish and acting in the best interests of readers.

Colleen Hoover’s success as a bestselling novelist

Recognition as the United States’ bestselling novelist

Colleen Hoover’s position as the bestselling novelist in the United States in 2022 speaks to her incredible talent and the appeal of her storytelling. With her ability to craft emotionally gripping narratives and create relatable characters, Hoover has solidified her status as a revered author. This recognition is a testament to her dedication to her craft and her exceptional ability to connect with readers on a deep and meaningful level.

Number of top-selling books in 2022

Colleen Hoover’s success extends far beyond merely being the bestselling novelist in the country. In 2022, six of her books ranked among the top 10 bestselling individual books of the year. This achievement showcases the wide appeal and popularity of Hoover’s work, as readers consistently gravitate towards her stories. The ability to capture the hearts and minds of such a broad audience sets Colleen Hoover apart as a remarkable author.

Print book sales surpassing other popular authors

Colleen Hoover’s influence is not limited to her status as a bestselling novelist. Her print book sales in the United States in 2022 reached a staggering 14.3 million copies, surpassing the combined sales of renowned authors such as James Patterson, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and John Grisham. This remarkable accomplishment underscores the extent of Hoover’s impact and the immense support she receives from her devoted readership. Her ability to resonate with such a broad audience is a testament to her exceptional storytelling talent and undeniable appeal.

Bestselling author Colleen Hoover apologizes for planned coloring book based on domestic violence novel

Popularity of ‘It Ends with Us’ on TikTok and New York Times Best Sellers List

Discovery and resurgence of the novel on TikTok

In recent years, ‘It Ends with Us’ experienced a resurgence in popularity through TikTok, a social media platform known for its ability to spark trends and propel content into the spotlight. Users on TikTok discovered the novel and were captivated by its emotional depth and powerful storytelling. Through user-generated videos discussing the book’s impact, ‘It Ends with Us’ found a new audience and reinvigorated interest in the novel.

Longevity on the New York Times Best Sellers List

‘It Ends with Us’ has enjoyed remarkable longevity on the prestigious New York Times Best Sellers List. As of January 13, 2023, the novel has maintained its presence on the list for an impressive 82 weeks. This enduring popularity is a testament to the profound impact the book has had on readers, who continue to discover and connect with the story of Lily Bloom. The significant achievement of remaining on the New York Times Best Sellers List for such an extended period underscores the lasting impact and cultural significance of ‘It Ends with Us’.

Impact of popularity on Hoover’s career

The popularity of ‘It Ends with Us’ on platforms like TikTok and its consistent presence on the New York Times Best Sellers List have undoubtedly contributed to Colleen Hoover’s career success. The widespread recognition and appreciation for the novel have solidified Hoover’s position as a prominent author in the contemporary fiction genre. The impact of ‘It Ends with Us’ continues to reverberate within the literary world and has played a significant role in elevating Hoover’s career to new heights.

In conclusion, Colleen Hoover’s apology for the planned coloring book based on her novel ‘It Ends with Us’ demonstrates her commitment to her readers and the responsibility she feels as an author. The cancellation of the coloring book, driven by the concerns and feedback of her audience, showcases Hoover’s dedication to handling sensitive subject matters with care. Despite this controversy, Hoover’s success as the bestselling novelist in the United States, the popularity of ‘It Ends with Us’ on TikTok, and its longevity on the New York Times Best Sellers List all highlight her exceptional talent and the profound impact of her work in the literary world.
