Why are adult coloring books a thing?



Adult coloring books have taken the world by storm in recent years, becoming a popular stress-relieving activity for people of all ages. These books, filled with intricate designs and patterns, have become a go-to activity for many individuals seeking a creative outlet and a way to relax. The rise in popularity can be attributed to the therapeutic benefits, convenience, accessibility, affordability, and creative outlet that adult coloring books offer.

Therapeutic Benefits of Coloring for Adults:

Coloring has been found to have numerous therapeutic benefits for adults. One of the main benefits is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. When we color, our brains enter a state of relaxation, similar to meditation. The repetitive motion of coloring helps to calm the mind and focus our attention on the present moment, allowing us to let go of worries and stressors.

In addition to reducing stress, coloring can also improve focus and mindfulness. When we color, we are fully engaged in the activity, which helps to improve our concentration and attention span. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with ADHD or other attention-related disorders. Coloring also encourages mindfulness, as it requires us to be fully present in the moment and pay attention to the colors and patterns we are working with.

Coloring has also been used as a therapeutic tool in mental health treatment. Art therapy, which often includes coloring as a component, has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Coloring can provide a safe and non-threatening way for individuals to express their emotions and process difficult experiences. It can also serve as a form of self-care and self-expression.

The Rise of Mindfulness and Self-Care Practices:

Coloring fits into the larger trend of mindfulness and self-care practices that have gained popularity in recent years. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment and paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Coloring can be a form of meditation and relaxation, allowing us to focus our attention on the present moment and let go of distractions.

Self-care practices are activities that we engage in to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Coloring can be a form of self-care, as it provides a way for us to relax, unwind, and recharge. It allows us to take a break from our busy lives and prioritize our own needs. Coloring can also be a way to practice self-compassion and self-acceptance, as we can choose colors and designs that reflect our own preferences and style.

Other self-care practices that complement coloring include journaling, practicing gratitude, taking baths, practicing yoga or meditation, and engaging in hobbies or activities that bring us joy. These practices can all contribute to our overall well-being and help us to manage stress and anxiety.

The Nostalgia Factor: Revisiting Childhood Pastimes:

One of the reasons why adults enjoy coloring is the nostalgia factor. Coloring is often associated with childhood, and revisiting this activity can bring back fond memories of simpler times. Engaging in activities that we enjoyed as children can be comforting and stress-relieving. It allows us to tap into our inner child and experience a sense of playfulness and joy.

In addition to coloring, there are other childhood activities that adults enjoy revisiting. These include playing board games, building with Legos or blocks, riding bikes, playing sports, and even watching cartoons or reading children’s books. These activities can provide a sense of nostalgia and remind us of the carefree days of our youth.

The Convenience of Coloring Books as a Stress-Relieving Activity:

One of the reasons why adult coloring books have become so popular is their convenience. Coloring books are easy to use and require minimal setup. All you need is a 색칠하기 책 and some colored pencils or markers, and you’re ready to go. There’s no need for expensive equipment or extensive preparation.

Another aspect of convenience is that coloring can be done anywhere, anytime. You can color at home, at work, or even on the go. Coloring books are portable and can easily fit into a bag or purse. This makes coloring a versatile activity that can be incorporated into a daily routine.

Examples of how coloring can be incorporated into a daily routine include coloring during breaks at work, coloring while watching TV, or even coloring before bed as a way to wind down and relax. The flexibility and convenience of coloring make it an accessible activity for people with busy schedules.

The Accessibility of Coloring Books for All Skill Levels:

Coloring books are designed for all skill levels, making them accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, there is a coloring book out there for you. The designs range from simple and straightforward to intricate and detailed, allowing you to choose the level of complexity that suits your preferences and abilities.

Coloring can also be a low-pressure way to explore creativity. Unlike other art forms that require technical skill and training, coloring allows us to express ourselves without the pressure of creating something “perfect.” It’s about the process rather than the end result. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may feel intimidated by traditional art forms but still want to engage in a creative activity.

Examples of how coloring can be used to improve artistic skills include experimenting with different color combinations, shading techniques, and blending colors. Over time, you may find that your skills improve and you become more confident in your abilities.

The Social Aspect of Coloring Groups and Events:

While coloring is often seen as a solitary activity, it can also be a social one. Many people enjoy coloring in groups or attending coloring events where they can connect with others who share their interest. Coloring groups and events provide a sense of community and belonging, as well as an opportunity to learn from and be inspired by others.

Coloring groups and events can take many forms, from informal gatherings at someone’s home to organized workshops or classes. These gatherings often include opportunities for participants to share their work, exchange tips and techniques, and engage in conversation. They can be a way to meet new people, make friends, and build a support network.

Examples of how coloring can be used to connect with others include joining online coloring communities or participating in coloring challenges on social media. These platforms provide a space for individuals to share their work, receive feedback, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.

The Creative Outlet for Non-Artists:

Coloring can be a creative outlet for those who don’t consider themselves artists. It allows us to express ourselves and explore our creativity in a non-intimidating way. Coloring books provide a framework and structure that can guide us in our creative process, making it easier to get started.

One of the benefits of coloring is that it allows us to express ourselves without pressure. We can choose colors and designs that reflect our own preferences and style, without worrying about judgment or criticism. This freedom can be liberating and empowering, as it allows us to embrace our unique creativity.

Examples of how coloring can be used to explore different styles and themes include experimenting with different color palettes, trying out different coloring techniques, and exploring different types of designs. You may find that you have a preference for certain styles or themes, or you may discover new interests and inspirations along the way.

The Affordability of Coloring Books Compared to Other Hobbies:

Coloring books are a relatively inexpensive hobby compared to other activities. They are affordable and accessible to people of all income levels. You can find coloring books at bookstores, art supply stores, or even online at a variety of price points.

In addition to the affordability of coloring books themselves, the materials needed for coloring are also relatively inexpensive. Colored pencils, markers, and other coloring tools can be purchased at a reasonable price, and they can last for a long time with proper care.

Examples of other hobbies that can be more expensive than coloring include painting, photography, knitting or crocheting, and playing musical instruments. These hobbies often require specialized equipment or materials that can be costly.

The Portability and Ease of Use for On-the-Go Coloring:

Coloring books are easy to transport and use on the go, making them a convenient activity for individuals with busy lifestyles. Whether you’re traveling, waiting for an appointment, or simply have some downtime, coloring can be a way to pass the time and engage in a creative activity.

Coloring books are portable and can easily fit into a bag or purse. They don’t require a lot of space or setup, making them ideal for situations where you may not have access to a table or desk. All you need is a flat surface and some coloring tools, and you’re ready to go.

Examples of how coloring can be incorporated into a busy lifestyle include coloring during your commute to work, coloring while waiting at the doctor’s office, or even coloring during your lunch break. The portability and ease of use of coloring books make them a versatile activity that can be enjoyed anywhere.

The Diverse Range of Themes and Styles Available in Adult Coloring Books:

One of the reasons why adult coloring books have become so popular is the diverse range of themes and styles available. Whether you’re interested in nature, animals, mandalas, or even pop culture, there is a coloring book out there for you. This variety allows us to explore different interests and cultures through the act of coloring.

Coloring can be used as a way to learn about history, nature, and other subjects. For example, coloring books featuring famous works of art can provide an opportunity to learn about different artists and art movements. Coloring books featuring animals or plants can help us to learn about different species and their habitats.

Examples of how coloring can be used to explore different interests and cultures include choosing coloring books that reflect your own heritage or exploring themes that are outside of your comfort zone. You may find that you have a newfound appreciation for different cultures or that you discover new interests and passions along the way.


Adult coloring books have become a popular stress-relieving activity due to their therapeutic benefits, convenience, accessibility, affordability, and creative outlet. Coloring has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and mindfulness, and can be used in therapy and mental health treatment. Coloring fits into the trend of mindfulness and self-care practices, providing a form of meditation and relaxation. It also allows adults to revisit childhood pastimes, providing a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Coloring books are convenient to use, can be done anywhere, anytime, and can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. They are accessible to all skill levels and provide a low-pressure way to explore creativity. Coloring can also be a social activity, connecting individuals through coloring groups and events. It serves as a creative outlet for non-artists, allowing them to express themselves without pressure. Coloring books are affordable compared to other hobbies and are portable and easy to use on the go. They offer a diverse range of themes and styles, allowing individuals to explore different interests and cultures. In conclusion, adult coloring books offer numerous benefits and can be a valuable tool for stress relief and self-expression. So why not give it a try? Grab a coloring book, some colored pencils or markers, and start coloring your way to relaxation and creativity.

If you’re a fan of the popular TV show Doctor Who, you’ll be thrilled to know that there are Doctor Who coloring pages available for you to enjoy. These coloring pages feature iconic characters and scenes from the show, allowing you to bring your favorite moments to life with color. Whether you’re a seasoned Whovian or just discovering the wonders of the TARDIS, these coloring pages are a must-see for any Doctor Who fan. Check out the Doctor Who coloring pages and let your creativity take you on an adventure through time and space.


What are adult coloring books?

Adult coloring books are books that contain intricate designs and patterns that are meant to be colored in by adults. They are typically marketed as a way to relieve stress and anxiety.

Why have adult coloring books become popular?

Adult coloring books have become popular because they offer a way for adults to relax and unwind. They are also seen as a form of therapy, as coloring can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

What are the benefits of coloring?

Coloring has been shown to have a number of benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and promoting mindfulness and relaxation.

Are there any downsides to coloring?

There are no known downsides to coloring, although some people may find it boring or uninteresting.

Who can benefit from coloring?

Anyone can benefit from coloring, but it is particularly helpful for people who are experiencing stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Do you need to be artistic to enjoy coloring?

No, you do not need to be artistic to enjoy coloring. Coloring is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable activity, and anyone can do it regardless of their artistic ability.

What types of designs are typically found in adult coloring books?

Adult coloring books typically contain intricate designs and patterns, such as mandalas, flowers, animals, and geometric shapes.

Where can I find adult coloring books?

Adult coloring books can be found at most bookstores, as well as online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. They are also available as digital downloads.
