This Is What I Eat: A Coloring and Activity Book for Healthy Eating Habits


If you’re a parent looking to develop healthy eating habits in your children, “This Is What I Eat: A Coloring and Activity Book for Healthy Eating Habits” is the perfect tool to have in your arsenal. Authored by Aliza J. Sokolow, this coloring and activity book not only celebrates the importance of fruits and vegetables, but also encourages kids to explore their palates and try new foods. Sokolow’s advice goes beyond just the pages of the book – she suggests involving kids in the grocery shopping experience and letting them choose and try different fruits and vegetables. By emphasizing the importance of routine and recommending the Partnership For A Healthier America’s program called Veggies Early & Often, Sokolow provides practical ways to instill healthy eating habits. She also encourages parents to visit farmers markets, local farms, or even grow food at home, to help kids understand where food comes from and get excited about eating it. With simple recipes and tips on incorporating fresh ingredients into meals, as well as allowing some indulgences, Sokolow’s approach is balanced and sustainable. Moreover, she believes in teaching kids about food waste through activities like composting and giving back through volunteering or food drives. The overall goal of the book and Sokolow’s advice is to guide parents in nurturing their kids towards healthier eating habits for the long term.

This Is What I Eat: A Coloring and Activity Book for Healthy Eating Habits

Choosing Healthy Foods

Involving kids in grocery shopping

When it comes to teaching kids about healthy eating habits, getting them involved in the grocery shopping experience is a wonderful way to pique their interest. The coloring and activity book called “This Is What I Eat” emphasizes the importance of involving children in this process. The author, Aliza J. Sokolow, suggests that parents allow their kids to choose and try different fruits and vegetables while grocery shopping. By giving children the opportunity to make their own choices, they can explore their palates and develop a taste for a variety of healthy foods.

Exploring different fruits and vegetables

One of the main goals of “This Is What I Eat” is to celebrate fruits and vegetables and encourage children to try new ones. Sokolow believes that by introducing children to different types of produce, parents can expand their children’s understanding of healthy food options. It’s not just about the common fruits and vegetables that children are already familiar with, but also about exploring the lesser-known ones. By doing so, parents can expose their children to a wider range of flavors and textures, making healthy eating a more exciting and enjoyable experience.

Creating a Routine

Importance of routine in healthy eating

Establishing a routine is crucial for developing healthy eating habits in children. When children have a consistent schedule for meals and snacks, they are more likely to make better food choices. This is because their bodies become accustomed to a regular eating pattern, which helps prevent overeating and mindless snacking. Additionally, a routine provides children with structure and a sense of control over their eating habits, which can promote long-term health and wellbeing.

Partnership For A Healthier America’s program: Veggies Early & Often

To further support the development of healthy eating routines, Aliza J. Sokolow recommends the Partnership For A Healthier America’s program known as Veggies Early & Often. This program focuses on incorporating vegetables into meals and snacks right from the start of a child’s eating journey. By introducing a variety of vegetables early on, children become accustomed to their taste and texture, making them more likely to embrace these foods as they grow older. With the help of this program, parents can foster a positive relationship between their children and vegetables, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy choices.

Understanding Food Sources

Visiting farmers markets and local farms

To truly understand the journey of food from farm to table, Sokolow suggests taking children to visit local farmers markets and farms. This hands-on experience allows children to see where their food comes from and engage in conversations with the people who grow it. By seeing the different varieties of produce and witnessing the dedication of farmers, children can develop a deeper appreciation for the food they eat. This firsthand knowledge also helps children make more informed choices when it comes to picking out fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.

Growing food at home

Another way to teach children about food sources is by involving them in the process of growing their own food at home. Whether it’s a small herb garden on the windowsill or a backyard vegetable patch, gardening provides children with a tangible connection to the food they consume. As they plant seeds, nurture plants, and witness the fruits of their labor, children learn about the time, effort, and care that goes into growing fresh produce. This experience instills a sense of pride and responsibility, making children more likely to appreciate and enjoy the healthy foods they’ve helped cultivate.

Incorporating Fresh Ingredients

Simple recipes with fresh ingredients

Once children have developed a taste for a variety of fruits and vegetables, it’s essential to incorporate these fresh ingredients into meals. Simple recipes that highlight the flavors and textures of these healthy foods can make eating them even more enjoyable for children. Sokolow suggests trying dishes like stir fries and salads, which allow the freshness of the ingredients to shine through. By keeping the recipes simple and focusing on the natural goodness of the produce, children are more likely to embrace these healthy cooked meals.

Stir fries and salads for healthy cooked meals

Stir fries and salads are versatile and customizable, making them ideal options for incorporating fresh ingredients into children’s meals. With stir fries, parents can mix a variety of vegetables with lean proteins like chicken or tofu, creating a well-balanced and flavorful dish. Salads, on the other hand, offer the opportunity to experiment with different combinations of greens, fruits, and vegetables. By getting creative with dressings and toppings, parents can make salads a fun and exciting part of their children’s meals. These easy-to-make dishes ensure that children are getting their daily dose of nutrition while enjoying the vibrant colors and flavors of fresh ingredients.

This Is What I Eat: A Coloring and Activity Book for Healthy Eating Habits

Balancing Indulgences

Allowing treats within a healthy routine

While cultivating healthy eating habits is important, it’s equally important to allow for treats within a well-rounded and balanced diet. Aliza J. Sokolow emphasizes the concept of balance when it comes to indulgences. By incorporating treats in moderation, parents can teach their children that it’s okay to enjoy sweets or snacks occasionally, as long as it is part of an overall healthy routine. This approach helps children develop a positive relationship with food and prevents feelings of deprivation or guilt associated with indulging in treats.

Maintaining overall healthy habits

To ensure that indulgences remain balanced and do not overshadow overall healthy habits, it’s crucial to maintain consistency in other aspects of a child’s diet. Encouraging regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins forms the foundation of a healthy routine. By making these nutritious foods a priority, parents can create a strong framework that supports the occasional indulgence. It’s about striking a balance between enjoying treats and maintaining overall healthy habits, ultimately guiding children towards a lifelong commitment to health and happiness.

Teaching about Food Waste

Activities like composting

Teaching children about food waste is an essential part of developing a holistic approach to healthy eating. One way to educate children about the importance of minimizing waste is through activities like composting. By involving children in the process of composting food scraps, they can learn about the natural cycle of decomposition and the value of organic matter in enriching soil. This hands-on experience not only reduces food waste but also fosters an understanding of the environmental impact of our actions. It empowers children to make informed choices and encourages them to be mindful of their food consumption.

Volunteering and food drives

Another way to teach children about food waste is through volunteering and participating in food drives. By engaging in these activities, children witness firsthand the impact of food insecurity and the significance of minimizing waste. It instills a sense of empathy and compassion, motivating children to make conscious choices to reduce food waste in their own lives. Additionally, volunteering and participating in food drives provide an opportunity for children to give back to their community, reinforcing the values of generosity and social responsibility.

This Is What I Eat: A Coloring and Activity Book for Healthy Eating Habits

Long-Term Health Habits

The goal of the book and Sokolow’s advice

The coloring and activity book, “This Is What I Eat,” serves as a guide for parents who want to cultivate long-term healthy eating habits in their children. The author, Aliza J. Sokolow, emphasizes the importance of instilling these habits early on to set the stage for a lifetime of wellness. Through the book, Sokolow strives to provide parents with practical advice and creative ideas to make healthy eating enjoyable for children. By incorporating the book’s recommendations into their daily routines, parents can help their children develop a positive relationship with food and foster a lifelong commitment to health.

Guiding kids towards healthier eating habits for the future

The ultimate goal of “This Is What I Eat” and Aliza J. Sokolow’s advice is to guide kids towards healthier eating habits that last well into the future. By involving children in grocery shopping, exploring different fruits and vegetables, creating a routine, understanding food sources, incorporating fresh ingredients, balancing indulgences, and teaching about food waste, parents can lay a strong foundation for their children’s long-term health. By instilling a love for nutritious foods, educating about food sources, and fostering a mindful and balanced approach to eating, parents can empower their children to make informed choices and develop healthy habits that will positively impact every aspect of their lives.
