Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek


If you’re a fan of the iconic TV show “Doctor Who” and love to get creative with colors, then you’re in luck! Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure through time and space with our collection of Doctor Who coloring pages, featuring everyone’s favorite nemesis – the Dalek. Whether you prefer a splash of vibrant hues or a more subdued palette, these coloring pages will provide hours of entertainment and a chance to showcase your artistic skills. Join the Doctor in his never-ending battle against the Daleks as you bring these intricate illustrations to life with your personal touch. So grab your colored pencils or markers, and let the coloring journey begin!

Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Introduction to Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Welcome to the wonderful world of Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek! If you’re a fan of the long-running British sci-fi series Doctor Who, then these coloring pages are perfect for you. Get ready to bring your favorite fearsome villains, the Daleks, to life with your colorful imagination. Whether you’re a kid or an adult, these coloring pages will provide hours of creative fun. Let’s delve into the history of the Doctor Who Dalek and explore the popular episodes featuring these iconic enemies.

History of Doctor Who Dalek

The Daleks first appeared on our screens back in 1963 and have since become one of the most iconic and memorable villains in the Doctor Who universe. Created by writer Terry Nation, these extraterrestrial beings are the sworn enemies of the Doctor, a Time Lord who travels through time and space in a spacecraft called the TARDIS.

The Daleks originate from the planet Skaro and are encased in armored shells, designed to protect their mutated and deformed bodies. They are driven by an insatiable desire for power and conquest, with their ultimate goal being the extermination of all other life forms in the universe. With their harsh metallic voices and their unmistakable catchphrase “Exterminate!”, the Daleks have captured the imaginations of fans for decades.

Popular Doctor Who Dalek Episodes

Throughout the show’s long history, the Doctor has had numerous encounters with the Daleks, leading to many thrilling adventures. Some of the most popular episodes featuring the Daleks include:

  • “Genesis of the Daleks”: This story from the Fourth Doctor’s era explores the origin of the Daleks and their creator, Davros. It delves into the moral dilemma of whether the Doctor should prevent the creation of the Daleks to save countless lives.

  • “Dalek”: In this emotionally charged episode from the revived series, the Ninth Doctor encounters a lone surviving Dalek and confronts the darkest aspects of his own nature.

  • “The Stolen Earth”/”Journey’s End”: This two-part episode brings together multiple incarnations of the Doctor and sees the Daleks launching a massive invasion of Earth, leading to an epic battle against the Doctor’s allies.

These episodes are just a taste of the thrilling Dalek stories that have captivated audiences over the years.

How to Use Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Using the Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek is a simple and enjoyable process. Just follow these steps:

  1. Choose your preferred Doctor Who Dalek coloring page from the collection.

  2. Print out the coloring page on a standard sheet of paper.

  3. Grab your favorite coloring pencils, markers, or crayons.

  4. Let your imagination run wild as you bring the Daleks to life with vibrant colors. You can stick to the classic silver and blue, or let your creativity soar with unique color combinations.

  5. Take your time and enjoy the process of coloring. There are no rules or limits – you’re the artist!

  6. Once you’ve finished coloring, proudly display your masterpiece for everyone to see.

Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Benefits of Coloring Doctor Who Dalek

Coloring Doctor Who Dalek coloring pages offers a range of benefits for both kids and adults. Here are just a few:

  • Relaxation and stress relief: Coloring has been proven to reduce stress and promote mindfulness. It allows you to focus on the present moment, providing a calming effect on your mind.

  • Improving coordination and fine motor skills: Coloring requires precise movements and hand-eye coordination, which can help develop these skills in both children and adults.

  • Stimulating creativity: Coloring allows you to explore your artistic side and experiment with different colors and patterns. It encourages imaginative thinking and can spark new ideas.

  • Nostalgia and fandom enjoyment: For fans of Doctor Who, coloring Daleks can evoke feelings of nostalgia and deepen your connection with the show’s rich universe.

Creative Ideas for Using Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

While coloring pages are already a fantastic way to unleash your creativity, there are a few additional ideas to make your Doctor Who Dalek coloring experience even more exciting:

  1. Create a Doctor Who-themed collage: Cut out your colored Daleks and glue them onto a poster board along with other Doctor Who elements, such as TARDISes, sonic screwdrivers, and other iconic symbols from the show.

  2. Design your own Dalek: Take a blank piece of paper and draw your very own Dalek design. Use your imagination to come up with unique features and colors for your custom Dalek creation.

  3. Make Doctor Who Dalek bookmarks: Cut out your colored Daleks and laminate them to create unique bookmarks. You can use them to mark your progress in Doctor Who novels, or gift them to fellow Whovians.

These creative ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. Feel free to experiment and find new ways to enjoy your Doctor Who Dalek coloring pages!

Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Doctor Who Dalek Coloring Pages for Kids

Doctor Who Dalek coloring pages are not just for adults – there are also plenty of options available for kids. From simplified designs to larger pictures, these coloring pages cater to the younger Doctor Who fans. Coloring can be a fun and educational activity for children, sparking their curiosity and fostering creativity. It’s also a great way to introduce them to the exciting world of Doctor Who and the wonders of space and time travel.

Doctor Who Dalek Coloring Pages for Adults

Adult fans of Doctor Who can also indulge in the joy of coloring with the Doctor Who Dalek coloring pages. Coloring can provide a sense of nostalgia and relaxation, allowing you to unwind and tap into your inner child. It’s a wonderful way to take a break from the stresses of daily life and immerse yourself in the vibrant and imaginative world of Doctor Who.

Where to Find Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek

Doctor Who coloring pages featuring the Daleks can be found in various places online. There are numerous websites dedicated to providing free printable coloring pages, where you can browse and download your favorite designs. Additionally, official Doctor Who merchandise stores often offer coloring books that include Dalek-themed pages. Keep an eye out for special Doctor Who events and conventions where you may find exclusive coloring pages as well.


Doctor Who Coloring Pages Dalek offer an exciting and creative way to engage with the beloved Doctor Who series. Whether you’re a young fan just discovering the wonders of Doctor Who or a long-time enthusiast looking to indulge in some nostalgic coloring, these pages have something for everyone. So, grab your coloring tools, choose your favorite Dalek design, and let your imagination soar as you bring these fearsome villains to life with vivid colors. Happy coloring, and remember – don’t blink!
